SPRING - Decision Making Methodology and Interactive Workshop Example


As part of the Project SPRING review of decision-making methods for selecting technology for resource/energy efficiency improvements in industry, we have produced an educational module to describe a good-practice methodology. Supporting the Methodology Module, an interactive example that enables a team to practise various elements of best practice decision-making methodology has been developed. The background problem is generic – based on assessing technologies to improve the energy footprint of an office building on a process industry site – but enables the participants to explore the outcomes of a variety of possible decisions based on limited data.


Decision-Making Methodology Beta Version

This methodology is currently available in beta version here: Decision-Making Methodology

Decision Making Workshop Example

The interactive workshop example is available here: Decision-Making Example

SPRING, SPIRE, decision making, decisions, methodology, investment, energy efficiency
Setting the framework for the enhanced impact of SPIRE projects

Project website: www.spire2030.eu/spring 

SPRING is a Coordination and Support Action project with the objective of increasing progression towards the SPIRE goals and enhancing project return on investment by addressing the needs and barriers of those who make the decisions to adopt process innovations in industry.


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 767412.

Advisory Notes: 

The methodology outlined is an example of a good-practice approach to decision-making in industry. If adopting a new appraoch to decision-making in industry, we recommend using an independent facilitator/ trainer to adapt the methodology to business specific needs.

Case study
Education/training materials
Enhancement of SPIRE impact - SPIRE-11-2017
These educational resources were developed by Britest Ltd and University of Leeds. Adapted versions of the methodology and training example are available as part of a trained facilitation/ workshop. Please contact Britest for further information.