Processes4Planet SRIA 2050

Processes4Planet: the new A.SPIRE Partnership building on SPIRE results


As the Horizon Europe framework programme is starting, A.SPIRE is ready to play its key role in addressing even more ambitious challenges with the new Processes4Planet Partnership. 

Building on the encouraging results of the finishing  SPIRE Partnership, A.SPIRE, and the forthcoming Processes4Planet Partnership, has the potential to develop the solutions to transform the European process industries further. The goal is to support them in becoming frontrunners in the transition to climate neutrality and circularity in alignment with the EU Green Deal goals. 

SPIRE partnership has shown valuable outcomes for Europe and with Processes4Planet and its unique common and cross-sectoral R&I strategy, A.SPIRE will be the keystone to transform the European Process Industry for a sustainable & prosperous society. 

Processes4Planet will pursue the goal of a fair and inclusive transition that guarantees competitiveness for business, new skills for employees with a gender balance perspective. 

Discover more about the Partnership goals in the new Processes4Planet SRIA 2050 finalised version here.

The Processes4Planet Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) was updated in March 2024.

The P4Planet Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 2050 remains valid as a comprehensive document tackling the overall challenges of the European Process Industry. The update focuses on seven research and innovation priority themes for the coming years that are fully coherent with the initial vision of the SRIA 2050 and tailored to the urgency of the goals for 2030 and 2040 and the need for innovations that can be implemented on a short time horizon. The eighth priority - Making It Happen - focuses on implementation and deployment. 

Consult the Processes4Planet SRIA Update here