SPIRE is at Manufuture2013

"MANUFUTURE View on Horizon 2020: Sustainable Re-industrialisation of Europe" is the major conference organized by the European Technology Platform on Future Manufacturing (ETP Manufuture) in Vilnius during the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the EU. The conference, which takes place from 6-8 October 2013, will be the major event in the Lithuanian presidency.

MANUFUTURE stakeholders from industry, academia and the public sector will discuss and exchange views on how to implement Horizon 2020 and related national programmes in a coherent and flexible manner. It is vital that ways to better transform Horizon 2020 investments into wealth, growth and jobs be discussed including supporting better coverage of the entire innovation cycle, promoting better alignment with national and regional policies and funding programmes, and creating framework conditions for growth and jobs to help the Europe stay globally competitive.

In a plenary session devoted to Horizon2020 and roadmaps for manufacturing, Dr. Klaus Sommer, the President of the A.Spire Board of Directors, will present the strategic SPIRE Roadmap and describe what SPIRE will do in practice to create a world-leading, resource efficient process industry. A special focus of the conference will be given to increasing the efficiency of EU regional and national RTD support tools through their mutual synergy and national and regional smart specialization.

For more information on the conference, please visit MANUFUTURE 2013 website.