1st Strategic RECREATE Workshop

REsearch network for forward looking activities and assessment of research and innovation prospects in the fields of Climate, Resource Efficiency and raw mATErials 1st Strategic Workshop “Overcoming fragmentation in Research & Innovation” will be held on the 23rd of April, 2014, at Diamant Conference & Business Centre, Brussels.


This workshop will boost an active stakeholder interaction in the research and innovation fields of Climate Action, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials. RECREATE will:

  • Foster networking
  • Assess the impact of EU research and innovation programmes
  • Analyze future technology, policy and market developments
  • Influence policy

RECREATE is a five year Coordination Action funded by the European Commission in the context of its FP7 programme. RECREATE will provide evidence and intelligence concerning the future directions of these research fields. For this purpose, the project will involve a large network of stakeholders, make extensive impact assessments and develop a range of forward looking activities (until 2050) to provide the insights and knowledge required. RECREATE has started in July 2013 and will run until June 2018.

Registration is required for attendance. For more information, please visit http://www.recreate-net.eu/dweb/events/1st-strategic-workshop. Further information about the event and travel reimbursement policy available on request at workshop@recreate-net.eu.