SPIRE Brokerage event ‘Outlook and perspectives in the forthcoming Horizon2020 work programmes’

The second SPIRE Brokerage event ‘Outlook and perspectives in the forthcoming Horizon2020 work programmes’ will be held in Brussels, Belgium, on the 23rd of May 2014. The objective of this brokerage event is to look more closely into preparing for the 2015 calls as well as into first ideas that could shape the Horizon2020 work programmes for 2016-2017.

Attendance at the brokerage event will allow participants to:
-      Get and exchange the latest information on the 2015 calls of Horizon 2020 on resource and energy efficiency
-      Present their innovative ideas to potential partners (5-min project pitch)
-      Meet prospective partners and start building consortia from industry and academia
-      Present and exchange ideas about what technologies could inspire the development of 2016-2017 calls priorities

The event is free of charge but participation is subject to registration and is restricted to members of A.SPIRE aisbl. Registration will close on the 25th April, 2014.


Soren Bowadt of DG Research and SPIRE’s R&D chair Ignacio Calleja of Tecnalia will open the brokerage proceedings with some feedback on the first 2014 SPIRE calls in Horizon 2020 and give a presentation on the upcoming 2015 calls.
There will then be parallel sessions of potential project ideas for 2015 in SPIRE’s Key Component areas: PROCESS, APPLICATIONS, FEED, WASTE2RESOURCE, and HORIZONTAL. The deadline to receive project idea submissions for presentation is 8 May 2014. All project presentations must be submitted via the SPIRE members' portal.
After lunch the discussion will move on to the first ideas for 2016 and 2017. This will include work on the evolution of the SPIRE strategic research and innovation roadmap, discussion of gap analysis and presentations on the outcomes of recent Working Group day.

For more information, including how to become a member of A.SPIRE, please send an email to info@spire2030.eu.